Datacard 280 EmbosserThe Datacard 280 series embossers have long been the healthcare standard for embossing patient cards.  Use the 280P on a network, or use a format stored in the embosser so you can still produce patient cards even when the network goes down.
280P Datasheet
iscontinued As of August 27, 2018 - the 280 is no longer available
Take a look at the CIM MAXIMA 841 (Automatic Feed) and the MAXIMA 821 (Manual Feed).
CotG rgb web

Changing of the Guard Society, Halifax, NS

Thank you indeed for your superb service. The very best in the future,
John Harrison, Treasurer
NB Health Card Label Printer
Everyone loves it. 
And it’s so easier for the admission staff to read the names or the health card number!

Assistant Nurse Manager, New Brunswick